Pentecost is here
On June 4th, the Church celebrates the festival of Pentecost. It is the last day of the season of Easter; it is also the day on which we celebrate the gift of God’s Holy Spirit which fills our lives and empowers us to reach out in love and compassion to a world which is increasingly in need of such love and compassion.
As we reach out to the world, we understand also that the gift of God’s Holy Spirit is a calling to the church to be active in the world with the good news of God’s passionate love affair with the world. Pentecost, thus, calls us back to our vocations as God’s people in the world. “Vocation” comes from the Latin word vocare, which means to call. We are empowered with God’s Holy Spirit to live out our calling in the world.
The Diocese of Kootenay has a website called “Pathways”, which is devoted to helping you discern ministry opportunities in the Anglican Church and in our Diocese. You can find that website here. There are also some resources on the website of the Diocese of Kootenay.
Opportunities for ministry outside the church and in the world abound. Frederick Buechner writes as follow about our vocation: “The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.”
As we celebrate this gift of God’s Holy Spirit, may we also discern our passion to live as a follower of Jesus Christ, and the place where that passion meets one of the very real needs of our world.